[] Prepare Business Plan
[] Establish Business type (Sole Prop, Corp, S-Corp, LLC, etc...)
[] File business type or trade name with Secretary of States Office or other applicable state agency
[] Prepare Corporate by-laws, Member Control Agreement, or Partnership Agreement (if applicable)
[] File form SS-4 (Employer Identification Number)
[] Open business bank account
[] File form 8832 (Entity Classification Election, if applicable)
[] File form 2553 (If electing for S-Corp status for tax purposes)
[] BOI Reporting https://www.fincen.gov/boi-faqs
[] File other state forms, if applicable
[] Sales/Use tax permit
[] State Unemployment (file for owner exemption for Corp & LLC?)
[] Workers Compensation (file for owner exemption for Corp & LLC?)
[] State tax withholding permit(s)
[] File other federal forms, if applicable
[] 2678 Agent Payer form
[] 8655 IRS Authorizations (EFTPS)
[] 2848 (Power of Attorney)
[] Document the transfer property to the business (Cash, equipment, etc..) If incorporated, must do section 351 transfer.
[] Set up your accounting system